Sunday, February 24, 2008

Water For Elephants Chapters 3-5

The next significant quote I found in Water For Elephants is in chapter 3. Jacob is a newcomer to the circus setting up crew, as he has just jumped on a train and gone wherever his life may take him.
" We are adjacent to a huge grassy lot. Beyond it are scattered brick building, backlit by the predawn glow. Hundreds of dirty, unshaven men pour from the train and surround it,like ants on conday, cursing and stretching and lighting cigarettes. Ramps and chutes clatter to the ground and six- and eight-horse hitches materialize from nowhere, spread out on the dirt." (Gruen 32).
This quote shows gives us an idea of what kind of lifestyle Jacob is jumping headfirst into. It is dirty, hard work, and overall not very pleasant. Jacob does not mind, however, because he knows he now has no family or money in his name, and this is a new source of income, food, and shelter for him.

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