Sunday, March 9, 2008

Quote Time!

Here is a perfect example of the amount of details and description the author puts into every aspect of the book:
"... I catch sight of my hands. They are knobby and crooked, thin-skinned, and-like my ruined face- covered with liver spots. My face... withered and spotty, with dewlaps and bags and long floppy ears. A few strands of white hair spring absurdly from its spotted skull" (Gruen 111).

This is a description of what Jacob looks like when he is older. It shows us the diminishing appearance of him in his extremely old age, but yet, as we learn, he still thinks and (tries to) act like a young person. It is a perfect example of how the body may waste away, but one's mind and soul will be there in full strength until the end.

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