Friday, October 12, 2007

400 Blows Extra Credit

Literature Review of The 400 Blows

I thought that the film had a lot of potential to be dramatic and interesting but failed in doing so. There are many examples of scenes that were much too long and dragged on until my interest was lost. It was interesting to see a film in French, which helped make the film different, but exciting because the dialect changed the feeling of the film. The subtitles were a bit hard to follow because of the speed of the speaking, but once you got used to them you were able to get what the movie was all about. I felt that the plot lacked any electricity and seemed to plateau during the middle of the movie. I felt that the scenes had a random effect, with no real point or destination.


Leah said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Yeah bro, i completely know where your coming from